2025 Workshops
The 2025 NSWDU Workshops are being held on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of February at Sydney Girls High School. The Workshop will run from 9:30 am to 4:00pm.
The day will involve:
Demo Debate: A Demonstration Debate by some of the most accomplished debaters in NSW.
Skills Seminar: A seminar-style workshop session focusing on particular debating skills and techniques.
Knowledge Seminar: A seminar-style Workshop session focusing on particular areas of knowledge or matter useful in debates.
Debaters will be given the opportunity on the day to choose between the different, specialised workshop sessions. This will allow each debater to get the most out of the workshops by learning the skills and information that they most need or want!
Who Can Attend?
Students from Years 7 – 12 are welcome to attend. There will be sessions to suit each experience level.
We particular recommend anyone intending to trial for the NSW State Debating Team attends the Workshop to gain exposure to the skills and style valued by NSWDU and you are given an opportunity to ask any specific questions about the process that you may have.
Registration and Payment Instructions
To register for the Workshop, use this form.
Although NSWDU is a non-profit organisation, we do charge a registration fee to raise funds towards the NSW Team’s attendance at the National Schools Debating Championships The workshop costs $60.
We do not wish any debater to miss out on the workshop due to cost, so please contact us via email at nswdebatingunion@gmail.com if this is going to be an issue. Such correspondence will, of course, be treated confidentially.
We look forward to seeing you at the NSWDU Workshop for 2025!
The Best Coaching Team in Australia!

In 2024, the NSWDU Workshop will feature several former National Schools Champions, representatives from the Australian Schools Team, Finalists of the World Universities Debating Championships, Best Speakers of the Australian & Australasian Intervarsity Debating Championships. It is difficult to imagine a more qualified coaching team.